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Donation Total: $100.00


How & When DKWFB was set up

The vision of DKWFB is to establish a society, which is free from hunger, ileteracy, ignorance, social injustice, violence, oppressions and other forms of exploitations, where peace, progress, tranquillity and development prevail.

From a humble beginning of Non Formal Islamic Education (NFIE) imparted on bare mud floors, the growth of Alor Path school has been phenomenal. See that  in the video that the poverty is manifest in the words of the parents and obvious on the basis of the students

Founder's Message

“The Prophet Muhammad(SAWS)was sent to us as a teacher( Sunan Ibn Majah 229).It is from his great example that Darul Khidmah takes its mission of educating children. Education is the light of life, so we named our small school Alorpath school.”

Prof Ghulam Sarwar

Chairman, DKWF,UK
Founder, DKWFB & Alorpath school

Major Md. Mesbahul Islam(Rtd.)


Darul Khidmah Wal Falah, Bangladesh

“Darul Khidmah’s main aim is to seek the pleasure of our creator Almighty Allah and get salvation in in our eternal life Akhirah by Serving His less fortunate people”.

Gazi Kamruzzaman

Vice Chairman,

Darul Khidmah Wal Falah, Bangladesh

“Bangladesh, a country with 180 million people , has made significant economic progress since its independence but the gap between the rich and the poor has grown substantially. This needs to be lessened.”

Chowdhury Fazle Elahi

Executive Director,

Darul Khidmah Wal Falah, Bangladesh

“We are deeply committed to help disadvantaged poor people and children living in slums to have decent education”.


Live Talker on various TV channels

EC member, DKWFB

“Alorpath School with 230 children and teach how to recite Qur’an correctly are really laudable projects of Darul Khidmah. I urge readers of the Annual Report 2022 and browsers of the website to support these projects by donating their Zakah and Sadaqah in this Ramadan.”

Our Projects


Alor Path School

Alor Path school has been set up to spread the light of education. Its mission is to produce honest and efficient citizens for Bangladesh. The vision of the school is to give the children an aim in life so that they lead an honest life in the world and try to be successful in the afterlife in Akhirah.


Class 07

Lamiya Begum

Class 05

Asa Moni

Class 01



To create honest and competent citizens awakened by values for Bangladesh through quality education.


The objective of the Alor Path school is to provide quality education to poor children of slum dwellers in order to help them to grow up as good and efficient citizens of Bangladesh to serve the people and make Bangladesh a country which can be emulated by others in the world.


What Does Alor Path School Need?

Over 90% of the children of Alor Path School come from a very poor background. The video you have seen has clearly shown the miserable condition in which the parents and children live. They need financial support from the Rich and well off people of the society. Here we have given ways how to these children.

Supporting a child for a Month

TK 1200

Supporting a for a Year

TK 12000 / Year

Supporting a child for 8 Years

TK 96,000 / day


Concrete Help

Suspendisse commodo bibendum purus at hendrerit. Vivamus aliquam bibendum fringilla. Praesent cursus felis nunc, quis vulputate sapien posuere vitae. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras egestas porta massa eget pulvinar. Cras non enim et dui pharetra hendrerit mattis.


How to send your donations

You can send donations by bKash , Bank Account, Direct Debits and Standing Order.

In Person

Visit us and donate cash

at our office:

Admin Secretary (Amina Khatun)

Mob: +880

376/3 South Paikpara,

Al Amin Road, Mirpur 1,

Dhaka 1216


Donate directly and securely via

Bkash at the number below




LocalBank Donation

Bank Name: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited

A/C Name: Darul Khidmah Wal Falah Bangladesh 

A/C No:  MSA-20502090200624213

Code No. 125264305

Branch: Shamoli 

Direct Debit & Standing Order form are also given.

Photo gallery

Alor Path School


Upcoming Projects

Check our upcoming events and news


The Quran Shikkha

Phasellus enim libero, blandit vel sapien vitae, condimentum ultricies magna et. Quisque euismod orci.

Junaeb Abdullah


Al Hadith

Junaeb Abdullah


Alor Path School

Phasellus enim libero, blandit vel sapien vitae, condimentum ultricies magna et. Quisque euismod orci.

Hasan Sarwar



Our Staff

Contact Us

Alor Path School

Jarina Khatun

Head Teacher
Tel: +880 1675575402
E-mail: [email protected]

Rahima Akter

Admin Secretary
Tel: +880 1675575402
E-mail: [email protected]

Donation :

+ 414 123 404

Contact Us


Chowdhury Fazle Elahi

Executive Director
Tel: +880 1785527221
Email: [email protected]

Mehedi Hasan

Agency :